October 9, 2023
Here are two poems I wrote yesterday from the same source text, an Etsy listing for rings. The first is an erasure (my choices driven by sound), and the second one of my “beautiful in-law erasures,” using the sentence “See for yourself; don’t stop at the first answer” as a seed. #1 genuine approx.…
June 30, 2023
More work with Etsy product descriptions as a source text today, this time linen waffle towels. I had a little time to push myself and ended up trying two drafts. The first is an erasure, and the second is a collage like yesterday. I’ve been thinking a lot about punctuation lately…which strangely enough leads me…
June 11, 2023
Today I did a diastic, with the seed word “fire,” of the blog post I used for my erasure yesterday. I thought I could improve the final result by editing it down and eliminating some of the “clutter” (so a sort of “erasure on top of diastic”). fire life fire hired North Rim done…
June 10, 2023
A day or two ago, my habit of listening to the BBC whenever I have a bout of early-morning insomnia brought to my ears an interview with fire historian Stephen Pyne. I have been living the event that was under discussion: the fires in Canada and the resulting smoky conditions in the northeastern US. In…